Automating mouseover task for HDB BTO information with bookmarklet
Recently, I created a bookmarklet to make it convenient for people to check the price and size of HDB BTO units.
The bookmarklet’s GitHub repository can be found here.
What is BTO?
BTO is an acronym for Build to Order. See here for an explanation.
What is a bookmarklet?
See here for an explanation.
How to get the bookmarklet?
- Show/Reveal your browser’s bookmark manager (CTRL + Shift + B on Windows/Chrome).
- Drag the following link onto your bookmarks bar: BTO
- Edit the new bookmark as whatever you want.
- Follow the steps below to use the bookmarklet.
- From the Flats Available for Selection page as shown below, select a project (e.g. “4-room”).
- For the project selected as shown below, select a block that is available for selection (e.g. 535C).
- You should see a list of flats available for selection as shown below.
- Mouseover the unit of interest to reveal the size (in square meters) and its price (in Singapore Dollars), as shown below.
- Use the bookmarklet to open a new window that displays all the mouseover information, as shown below.
- You can sort the information by price, sqm, price per sqm etc.
Let me know in the Disqus comments section below if you’ve used this bookmarklet, and what you think of it!